Humane Society Donation

We just made a $210 donation to the Waterville Humane Society, making total donations over $600! Thank you to all our customers putting money in our fountain. Also customers might have noticed us feeding cats behind the restaurant. There seems to be a huge cat colony in the woods by the airport. We have managed to catch 4 adult cats and 7 kittens. Three adult cats have been spayed/neutered. One mama cat is still with her 3 kittens nursing them, and we have found homes for 4 kittens already. Unfortunately, since the adult cats are so feral all we can do is catch & release, but now at least the cat population will cease to grow in our location at least. Unfortunately, one of the cats we were trying to catch was clipped by a car right on KMD. So sad because she was pregnant too. Please everyone remember to spay and neuter your animals so these tragic situations don’t occur. The Waterville Humane Society is very overwhelmed with cats right now, 14 cats were just put down this week. If you have room in your home, don’t forget to check out the humane society and adopt. Many animals need a loving home.

Also, I guess with the stereotype and all it is “strange” for an “Asian” restaurant to be feeding and catching cats. Many customers have brought it up assuming, I guess, that we are doing something to these cats. Please rest assured we are rescuing these cats, and would much rather help animals than humans. So please knock that thought out of your head. Anyways, get your Asian straight. It’s so easy to clump us all together, but we’re not Chinese. It really offends us that people bring up such a notion to our staff insinuating that we are possibly harming these cats. We have personally spent thousands neutering and spaying cats. We own 9 cats of our own, all of them rescue. So please stop those sick thoughts.